Latin Music Video: Cortijo con Ismael Rivera Jr.(Estanislao)


Para seguir con el tema de Ismael Rivera Jr., aqui les traigo un video de Ismaelito cuando estaba con la orquesta de Rafael Cortijo cantando una “bomba” bien sabrosa titulada “Estanislao”.

Rafael Cortijo fue un estandarte de la Bomba y la Plena, y en este video su combo participa en el 8vo Festival de Bomba y Plena en Puerto Rico, que casualmente fue dedicado a Ismael Rivera. Tanto Cortijo como su compadre Ismael Rivera se mantuvieron grabando bombas a lo largo de sus respectivas carreras musicales.

Ya sea juntos o separados, Cortijo e Ismael grababan las bombas con unas orquestaciones que las hacian muy atractivas al paladar de los amantes de la Salsa y la musica popular en general. Esa fue la base del exito que tuvo Cortijo y su Combo.

En este video, Cortijo deja el timbal para meterle al “quinto”, repicando sobre la base del ritmo de bomba. Fe Cortijo se destaca con su voz en el coro, e Ismael hace despliegue de su estilo al cantar, el cual es sabroso sin la necesidad de imitar a su padre.

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  1. Sandra Garvin says

    Hi Hector, I just came across your blog via Google+ and was deciding if I should join or not. Mentioning El Gran Combo and Ismael Rivera off the bat was very promising–two of my favs growing up. Re this vid with Jr., do you know when it was recorded (looks like early-mid 70s)? He sounds so much like his dad–what happened to him, he was very good?
    Also, maybe you can clear some history for me. I recall very early Cortijo/Rivera recordings pre-El Gran Combo–yes, I do recall EGC’s inception a few years later. I also recall that when Ismael left Cortijo, he went to EGC which catapulted EGC’s popularity–everyone loved Ismael, of course. Do you concur? Thanks,

    1. Hector Aviles says

      Hi Sandra,
      I hope you join (I don’t send marketing stuff) and help to spread the word of a place to read and talk (write) about Latin music.

      The Cortijo with Ismael Rivera Jr. “El Sueño del Maestro” was released in 1980 and it has several nice songs. He did sound naturally like his dad, unlike far-stretch “nephew” Moncho Rivera (mother’s last name, not father’s) who imitates Ismael Sr. on everything; no originality.

      Fact check – Ismael Rivera never belonged to EGC. He was the very reason Rafael Ithier and others left Cortijo to form EGC. Cuban promoter (and comedian) Guillermo Alvarez Guedes signed the new and unpopular group (EGC – the public didn’t like they left Cortijo when he as having trouble) and their first album was with appointed singer Joseito Mateo. Afterwards, they recorded with their own singers, Jose Curbelo’s alumni in NYC Pellin Rodriguez, and newcomer Andy Montanez.

      I took a bit of a Thanksgiving break from blogging, but I’m back with more content for December.



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